A Guide to Laws Pertaining to Cosmetology License Renewal

Hollywood Institute

Cosmetologists are well-versed in hair styling, nails, or other beauty techniques. They perform various beauty enhancement tasks such as hair styling, cutting, and hair extensions. A cosmetologist can choose to concentrate on certain areas of cosmetology such as pedicures, manicures, make-up, and skin care. Some individuals are estheticians. An esthetician in Orlando, FL, is someone who has a license in one or more specialties that are registered by the Florida Board of Cosmetology.


How to Become a Cosmetologist

To become a cosmetologist, you must attend a licensed cosmetology school like Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers, our schools are nationally accredited and approved by the U.S. Department of Education to provide Title IV Financial Aid to those students that qualify. If you’re going to be practicing in multiple specialties, you’ll need to attend cosmetology school in Orlando, FL. Most programs take less than a year and you will receive classroom education along with hands-on training. You must pass your state board exam and then you can practice in your chosen specialization. Cosmetology Program Our Cosmetology program combines theory with extensive hands on experience to provide you with a complete understanding of beauty and wellness industry. The program includes hair cutting, color, texture services, nail care, makeup application, business development, retail knowledge and the skills needed to meet the competencies for the examination required by the State Board of Cosmetology. Cosmetologists offer a variety of career opportunities:

  1. Hairdressers, Hairstylists, Cosmetologists

  2. Manicurists and Pedicurist

  3. Makeup Artist, Theatrical and Performance

  4. Wedding or Event Stylist

  5. Salon & Spa Owner or Manager

Continuing Education

A cosmetologist may need to take 16 hours of continuing education courses. A cosmetology school in Orlando, FLlike the Hollywood Institute of Beauty Careers, we have a wide variety of continuing education courses that will teach you the newesttrends and help you meet the requirements you need to renew your license on time, avoid fees, and stay up to date with current laws and regulations. For more information about our programs, please visit hi.edu or call one of our 4 locations today!

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Beauty School